AI Based Mask Checker App

Posted on Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Posted by : Admin

AI Based Mask Checker App

En-masker, It is an AI-based platform designed to make sure that people use face masks in order to flatten the curve of the corona. Its implementation can impel employees (especially cab drivers and billing counter workers) to use face masks continuously.
This app provides a surveillance method to detect face masks on employees on a stream of images. It means that the app will use a webcam or mobile's camera to click pictures at a random intervals (approx 10 seconds, the interval can be increased or decreased as per choice) and then the program will process that picture to detect whether the person in the picture is using a face mask or not, the result will be displayed on the web page.
The result will contain the original image captured by camera and a bounding box will be drawn around the face in that image along with a label containing the message "MASK/NO MASK" will be shown with confidence percentage of detection. It will send alerts to a whatsapp number.
If an employee is detected working without a mask then the app will send a personalized alert message to his/her supervisor. The message will be sent instantly to the supervisor, containing employee name/ID for clear identification.
Front-end: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and JavaScript. 
Back-end: Python language and Flask framework. 
1. TAXI/CAB DRIVERS- Nowadays Claims made by cab companies are that their drivers upload a picture with a mask once every day. This method does not ensure that the driver is using the mask continuously. The driver may pretend to use a mask only when he clicks the picture. My app can monitor Driver to make sure he/she uses face mask continuously
Cab Drivers keep their mobile in front of them to use google maps for navigation. Similarly, our app will run in the background and monitor whether the driver is continuously using a mask or not. It will alert his/her Supervisor when he/she is not wearing a mask. 
2. SUPERMARKETS & BIG CHAINS - This app can be used in supermarkets like 'Big Bazaar' or 'Reliance mart' and in big chains like 'Apollo pharmacy' or 'Burger king' to make sure that workers at the billing counter always wear a mask. They always generate bills using computers. We can run our app in the background on those computers and monitor those workers for face masks. If a worker is not wearing a mask his/her manager will be alerted via whatsapp message.
3. SCREENING IN HOSPITALS AND OFFICES - The app is mainly designed for the above 2 target groups but with some modification in source code, we can provide a way to screen people entering hospitals, offices or any other building. We can make sure that access to the building will only be given to people who are wearing face masks.   
Visit the demo app at
Created by
Mr. Rishabh Jain
Intern, DTITS India

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